Napoletans 12 years old

In a small town in southern Italy lives the Di Gennaro family. Gennaro, the householder, is a noted dentist, married to Anna, a housewife, a few years away from converting to Buddhism. They have two sons: Roberto, last year medical student and guitarist in a small band, and Mattia who attended the first year of high school. The Di Gennaros appear to be a perfect family, but each character hides flaws and excesses.


Napoletans Cast

Name Character
Massimo Ceccherini He was 46, now 59 years old as Pino
Andrea Roncato He was 64, now 77 years old as Professore
Nunzia Schiano She was 52, now 65 years old
Maurizio Casagrande He was 50, now 62 years old as Gennaro Di Gennaro
Nina Seničar She was 26, now 38 years old as Angela
Giacomo Rizzo He was 72, now 85 years old as Zio Guglielmo
Renato Paioli
Sebastiano Lo Monaco He was 53, now 66 years old as Provveditore
Nando Paone He was 55, now 67 years old as Il vigile urbano
Maurizio Battista He was 54, now 67 years old as Conte Pozzan de la Ghera

Napoletans Crew

Name Department
Napoletans poster
Napoletans (12 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, December 01, 2011