Nitro Circus Presents: Vegas Baby! 12 years old

Travis Pastrana and the Nitro Circus Live team descend on Las Vegas for their biggest and most ambitious show yet! In front of a 14,000 strong sell-out crowd in the Grand Garden Arena at the MGM Grand Hotel, Travis and his friends attempt multiple new World first stunts! In true Nitro Circus Live fashion some go great, and some go wrong, but the action and suspense is intense. Experience the drama and tension as the cast prepare for, and ultimately performs, the greatest Action Sports show ever seen.


Nitro Circus Presents: Vegas Baby! Cast

Name Character
Jolene Van Vugt She was 31, now 43 years old as Herself
Ryan Sheckler He was 22, now 34 years old as Himself
Travis Pastrana He was 28, now 40 years old as Himself
Tommy Passemante as Streetbike Tommy
Bob Burnquist He was 35, now 47 years old as Himself
Aaron Fotheringham He was 20, now 32 years old as Wheelz
Erik Roner He was 35, 38 years old when he died as Himself
Scott Murray He was 36, now 48 years old as Himself
Jim DeChamp He was 31, now 43 years old as Himself
Greg Powell He was 57, now 70 years old as Himself

Nitro Circus Presents: Vegas Baby! Crew

Name Department
Travis Pastrana as Director. He was 28 (now 40) years old Directing
Gregg Godfrey as Director. He was 42 (now 55) years old Directing
Nitro Circus Presents: Vegas Baby! poster
Nitro Circus Presents: Vegas Baby! (12 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, May 06, 2012
  • Runtime: 43 minutes