Obituary for Escobar (Čitulja za Eskobara) 16 years old

Serbian crime drama focusing on Belgrade's violent criminal underworld. Obituary For Escobar distinguishes itself from other recent crime dramas with its strong visual style and energetic approach. Borko was a young effeminate boy bullied at school by the self-styled 'Ghandi'. Years on, Ghandi is now a warlord, wrecking mayhem in pursuit of his ambition to become the leading drug lord in the Balkans. His execution of the rival 'Serbian Escobar' coincides with the mysterious placement of an obituary for the real Escobar by two stoners. In Ghandi's pursuit of the assailants he meets Lela, a stunning mystery woman who leads Ghandi to reconsider both "Borko" and his life in crime.


Obituary for Escobar Cast

Name Character
Nenad Jezdić He was 35, now 52 years old as Otac
Katarina Marković She was 25, now 42 years old as Službenica
Miloš Samolov He was 33, now 50 years old as Baki
Boris Milivojević He was 36, now 52 years old as Deki
Mladen Nelević He was 51, now 67 years old as Inspektor Savić
Vojin Ćetković He was 36, now 53 years old as Gandi
Jelisaveta 'Seka' Sablić She was 65, now 82 years old as Žena
Zijah Sokolović He was 58, now 74 years old as Anđeo
Nikola Simić He was 73, 80 years old when he died as Čika Steva
Tamara Krcunović She was 29, now 46 years old as Majka
Ljubinka Klarić She was 29, now 46 years old as Bojana
Tamara Garbajs She was 31, now 47 years old as Lela
Marko Živić He was 35, now 52 years old as Kile
Rene Bitorajac He was 36, now 52 years old as Mileta
Boris Komnenić He was 50, now 67 years old as Ministar

Obituary for Escobar Crew

Name Department
Milorad Milinković as Director. He was 43 (now 59) years old Directing
Milorad Milinković as Screenplay. He was 43 (now 59) years old Writing
Obituary for Escobar poster
Obituary for Escobar (16 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, March 13, 2008
  • Runtime: 90 minutes