Old Mother Riley in Society 84 years old

Old Mother Riley does the laundry for the dancers in the pantomime "Aladdin", where her daughter Kitty works as a chorus girl. Sneaking a peek at the show one day, Mother Riley accidentally pops up through a trap door onto the stage. Accosted by the angry star, Mother Riley’s belligerent responses have the audience in stitches. Outraged, the star walks out, leaving Kitty to take over the leading role, to great success.


Old Mother Riley in Society Cast

Name Character
Cyril Chamberlain He was 31, 65 years old when he died
Diana Beaumont She was 31, 55 years old when she died
John Stuart He was 42, 81 years old when he died as Tony Morgan
Charles Victor He was 44, 69 years old when he died as Sir John Morgan
Kitty McShane She was 43, 66 years old when she died as Kitty Riley
Athole Stewart He was 61, 61 years old when he died as Duke
Minnie Rayner She was 71, 72 years old when she died as Hotel Washer-Up
Arthur Lucan He was 54, 68 years old when he died as Mrs. Riley
Dennis Wyndham He was 53, 86 years old when he died as Tug Mulligan

Old Mother Riley in Society Crew

Name Department
Bridget Boland as Writer. She was 27 (74) years old when She died Writing
John Corfield as Producer. He was 47 (59) years old when He died Production
John Baxter as Director. He was 43 (78) years old when He died Directing
Barbara K. Emary as Continuity. She was 31 (86) years old when She died Directing
Barbara K. Emary as Writer. She was 31 (86) years old when She died Writing
James Wilson as Director of Photography. He was 197 (55) years old when He died Camera
Michael C. Chorlton as Editor. He was 26 (37) years old when He died Editing
Kitty McShane as Story. She was 43 (66) years old when She died Writing
Austin Melford as Writer. He was 56 (87) years old when He died Writing
Old Mother Riley in Society (84 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, July 27, 1940
  • Runtime: 81 minutes