On a volé Charlie Spencer! 37 years old

Students of film history will appreciate the many tributes to famous films of yore which appear in this first-time feature directed and written by former drama teacher Francis Huster. In the story, a mild-mannered bank clerk has heroic dreams of being a real he-man. Given his diffident, shy nature, it comes as a bit of a surprise that not only does he actually have a girlfriend, but he has managed to get her pregnant. However, she doesn't fit his image of himself, and he can't bring himself to marry her. When the bank he works in is robbed by a daring group which includes a magnetically attractive woman, the clerk throws his lot in with them and becomes an outlaw.


On a volé Charlie Spencer! Cast

Name Character
Francis Huster He was 39, now 76 years old as L'employé
Isabelle Nanty She was 24, now 62 years old as La petite blonde
Jean-Pierre Aumont He was 75, 90 years old when he died as Le héros, séq. Hôtel du Nord
Jacques Spiesser He was 39, now 77 years old as L'inspecteur
Béatrice Dalle She was 22, now 59 years old as La star
Gérard Watkins He was 21, now 59 years old as Le soldat américain du film

On a volé Charlie Spencer! Crew

Name Department
Francis Huster as Director. He was 39 (now 76) years old Directing
On a volé Charlie Spencer! poster
On a volé Charlie Spencer! (37 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, December 24, 1986
  • Runtime: 96 minutes