Paid in Blood (Quelle sporche anime dannate) 52 years old

Luigi Batzella directed this spaghetti western under the pseudonym "Paolo Solvay." Gioffredo Scarciofolo stars (using his standard alias, "Jeff Cameron") as Tom Carter, whose brother was murdered and robbed by the evil Ringo Brown (William Mayor) shortly after taking all his money out of the bank to marry Cora (Krista Nell), a local saloon girl. Tom is suspicious of Cora, but she helps him unmask the real killer.


Paid in Blood Cast

Name Character
Xiro Papas He was 38, 46 years old when he died as Pablo
Geoffrey Copleston He was 50, 77 years old when he died as Alec Quinter (uncredited)
Donald O'Brien He was 41, 73 years old when he died as Lee Rast
Gino Turini as Bartender (uncredited)
Krista Nell She was 25, 29 years old when she died as Cora
Gianfranco Clerici as Jerry Shannon (as Marco Devis)
Attilio Dottesio He was 62, 79 years old when he died as Sheriff
Sofia Kammara as Julie Joyce
Lorenzo Piani He was 16, 60 years old when he died as Jerry Carter
Mauro Mannatrizio as Robber at Bar (uncredited)
Esmeralda Barros She was 27, 75 years old when she died as Zelda, Shannon's Woman
Jeff Cameron He was 28, 15 years old when he died as Tom Carter
Giulio Baraghini He was 28, now 24 years old as Robber at Bar
Sergio Baldacchino as Shannon's Henchman
Angelo Susani as Bald Robber at Bar (uncredited)
Franco Daddi as Ringo Brown #1
Edilio Kim as Doctor Lassiter
Alfredo Rizzo He was 69, 89 years old when he died as Jack Buchanan

Paid in Blood Crew

Name Department
Massimo Pupillo as Director. He was 42 (70) years old when He died Directing
Luigi Batzella as Director. He was 47 (84) years old when He died Directing
Gino Turini as Producer. Production
Gino Turini as Unit Production Manager. Production
Ian Danby as Writer. Writing
Franco Pasquetto as Stunt Coordinator. Crew
Piera Bruni as Editor. Editing
Elsio Mancuso as Music. Sound
Paid in Blood (52 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, November 14, 1971
  • Runtime: 91 minutes