Paris la nuit 93 years old

The young Countess Rita wishes to visit the slums of Paris. A matchmaker decides to arrange for her a little staging that allows the young dazed to believe that she has really spent an evening among the men in the middle. Things go wrong through the fault of a genuine apache.


Paris la nuit Cast

Name Character
Armand Bernard He was 37, 75 years old when he died as Cramoisi
Jeanne Pérez She was 36, 80 years old when she died as Mélie
Suzet Maïs She was 22, 81 years old when she died as La comtesse Rita
Marguerite Moreno She was 59, 76 years old when she died as Mme Zouzou
Paul Azaïs He was 28, 72 years old when he died as Bouledebois
Jean-Louis Allibert He was 33, 82 years old when he died as Bob

Paris la nuit Crew

Name Department
Paris la nuit poster
Paris la nuit (93 years)

  • Release day: Monday, December 29, 1930
  • Runtime: 65 minutes