Penrod 102 years old

Young rapscallion Penrod Schofield causes a good deal of trouble in his community, all in the name of protecting kids from too-strict parents and nasty neighbors. He heads the ABPA (American Boys' Protective Association) and through it disrupts a number of local social events. The townspeople are pretty fed up with Penrod and his gang, but when a couple of outlaws come to town, Penrod shows his mettle.


Penrod Cast

Name Character
Tully Marshall He was 57, 78 years old when he died as Mr. Schofield
John Harron He was 18, 36 years old when he died as Robert Williams
Claire McDowell She was 44, 88 years old when she died as Mrs. Schofield
Gordon Griffith He was 14, 51 years old when he died as Sam Williams
Wesley Barry He was 14, 86 years old when he died as Penrod

Penrod Crew

Name Department
Booth Tarkington as Novel. He was 52 (76) years old when He died Writing
Marshall Neilan as Director. He was 30 (67) years old when He died Directing
Penrod poster
Penrod (102 years)

  • Release day: Monday, February 20, 1922
  • Runtime: 80 minutes