Pet Shop Boys: Somewhere 27 years old

Pet Shop Boys in Concert

Pet Shop Boys: Somewhere

Documentary and live concert registration from the Savoy Theatre, june 1997. Tracklist: The Dress Rehearsal - Opening Night - Yesterday, When I Was Mad - The Truck Driver And His Mate - Se A Vida É - Hallo Spaceboy - To Step Aside - Go West - The Theatre - It's A Sin / I Will Survive - Discoteca - Can You Forgive Her? - Somewhere - Rent - Being Boring - Left To My Own Devices


Pet Shop Boys: Somewhere Cast

Name Character
Neil Tennant He was 50, now 70 years old as himself
Chris Löwe He was 15, now 35 years old as himself

Pet Shop Boys: Somewhere Crew

Name Department
Pet Shop Boys: Somewhere poster
Pet Shop Boys: Somewhere (27 years)

Pet Shop Boys in Concert

  • Release day: Monday, January 06, 1997
  • Runtime: 91 minutes