Pictures (Фотки) 14 years old

A young photographer, Julia, makes a disastrous set of photos. She comes to a meeting with a client and he blows her up with his friend, a professional skilled photographer. The dispirited girl steals an expensive photo-album from the photographer. After while some strange distressing events start to happen with her. And one of her best friends suggests her to return the book to it's owner. So, Julia decides to overcome her injury and to go to the photographer's house.


Pictures Cast

Name Character
Mikhail Dementyev as Valera
Nikolai Kulikov He was 30, now 45 years old as Vitalik
Anita Berkhane as Julia
Konstantin Demidov He was 33, now 46 years old as Sasha

Pictures Crew

Name Department
Lera Mulina as Director. Directing
Lera Mulina as Writer. Writing
Nikolai Kulikov as Executive Producer. He was 30 (now 45) years old Production
Pictures (14 years)

  • Release day: Friday, January 01, 2010
  • Runtime: 107 minutes