Pictures 42 years old

A breathtaking act of artistic dis-honesty

Walter Burton's realistic photographs depicting poor treatment of Maori prisoners are rejected by late 19th century government officials. Walter is condemned to making a living from everyday studio work, the frustration of which is apparently quite sufficient to make him a drunk. His brother Alfred is happy to take the photos that the officials want and therefore gets the commissions. Alfred's photos are well received, but when Walter shows his own photos, toughs are sent around to smash up his plates.


Pictures Cast

Name Character
Helen Moulder She was 34, now 77 years old as Lydia Burton
Kevin J. Wilson He was 80, now 123 years old as Alfred Burton
Peter Vere-Jones He was 42, now 85 years old as Walter Burton
Peter Hayden He was 16, now 59 years old as Algy
John Callen He was 34, now 77 years old as Casey
Ken Blackburn He was 18, now 61 years old as James Gilchrist
John Callen He was 34, now 77 years old as Payton

Pictures Crew

Name Department
John O'Shea as Producer. He was 0 (now 43) years old Production
John O'Shea as Screenplay. He was 0 (now 43) years old Writing
Pictures poster
Pictures (42 years)

A breathtaking act of artistic dis-honesty

  • Release day: Thursday, October 01, 1981
  • Runtime: 87 minutes
  • Budget: 400000.00