Playboy Video Magazine: Volume 4 41 years old

Features a tribute to murdered Playmate Dorothy Stratten, an interview with singer Willie Nelson, a profile of X star Marilyn Chambers, a video centerfold of Playmate Barbara Edwards, a Flashdancers segment starring Linnea Quigley and Brinke Stevens, the Ribald Classic "Lady Chatterton's Lover," comedy spots and more.


Playboy Video Magazine: Volume 4 Cast

Name Character
Marilyn Chambers She was 30, 56 years old when she died as Herself
Linnea Quigley She was 24, now 66 years old as Flashdancer
Willie Nelson He was 49, now 91 years old as Himself
Dorothy Stratten She was 22, 20 years old when she died as Herself
Brinke Stevens She was 28, now 69 years old as Flashdancer
Jeana Keough She was 27, now 68 years old as Herself
Barbara Edwards She was 17, now 24 years old as Herself - Video Playmate

Playboy Video Magazine: Volume 4 Crew

Name Department
George Elanjian, Jr. as Director. Directing
Playboy Video Magazine: Volume 4 (41 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, January 01, 1983
  • Runtime: 85 minutes