When iconic Street Fighter, Ryu, encounters the Power Rangers, he learns that their nemesis M. Bison and Rita Repulsa have plotted to take over the Morphin Grid. With the help of Ninjor, creator of the Power Coins, Tommy Oliver provides Ryu with the Crimson Hawk Power Coin, allowing him to morph into Ryu Ranger.
Power Rangers Legacy Wars: Street Fighter Showdown Cast
Name |
Character |
Ciara Hanna
She was 27, now 34 years old
as Gia Moran / Yellow Megaforce Ranger |
Jason David Frank
He was 45, now 51 years old
as Tommy Oliver / Green Ranger |
Kevin Porter
He was 68, now 74 years old
as M. Bison |
Power Rangers Legacy Wars: Street Fighter Showdown Crew