Radiohead for Haiti 13 years old

Radiohead raises money for OxFam

After the catastrophic earthquake that rocked Haiti in January of 2010, the world came together in support for the survivors. Radiohead played one show at the historic Fonda Theatre to raise funds for OxFam and to support the relief efforts. The result of that show is this movie. Captured entirely on handheld cameras by those in attendance, this is quite possibly the most personal and raw you'll ever see Radiohead perform without being there live.


Radiohead for Haiti Cast

Name Character
Colin Greenwood He was 41, now 55 years old as Himself
Thom Yorke He was 42, now 55 years old as Himself
Jonny Greenwood He was 39, now 52 years old as Himself
Ed O'Brien He was 42, now 56 years old as Himself
Radiohead was 25, now 39 years old as Himself

Radiohead for Haiti Crew

Name Department
Radiohead for Haiti poster
Radiohead for Haiti (13 years)

Radiohead raises money for OxFam

  • Release day: Sunday, December 12, 2010
  • Runtime: 124 minutes