Rex Harrison Presents Stories of Love 50 years old

Pilot for a proposed television anthology series with stories about love, either dramatic or comedic. In this pilot, there were three different segments: in the first, a computer falls in love with its programmer; in the second, a World War II vet falls in love with a murderer; in the third, a woman falls in love with a penniless painter.


Rex Harrison Presents Stories of Love Cast

Name Character
Agnes Moorehead She was 73, 73 years old when she died
Juliet Mills She was 32, now 82 years old
Lloyd Bochner He was 49, 81 years old when he died
Rex Harrison He was 66, 82 years old when he died as Himself - Host
Lorne Greene He was 59, 72 years old when he died
Donald Moffat He was 43, 87 years old when he died
Alan Hale, Jr. He was 53, 68 years old when he died
Leonard Nimoy He was 43, 83 years old when he died
Julie Sommars She was 32, now 82 years old
Bill Bixby He was 40, 59 years old when he died
David Sheiner He was 46, now 96 years old
Diana Webster She was 44, now 94 years old
Soon-Tek Oh He was 30, 74 years old when he died
Roscoe Lee Browne He was 48, 81 years old when he died
Claude Woolman
Colby Chester
Robert Emhardt He was 59, 80 years old when he died
Jess Walton She was 25, now 75 years old

Rex Harrison Presents Stories of Love Crew

Name Department
Howard Dimsdale as Writer. He was 60 (77) years old when He died Writing
Liam O'Brien as Writer. He was 2 (19) years old when He died Writing
Arnold Laven as Director. He was 52 (87) years old when He died Directing
John Badham as Director. He was 34 (now 84) years old Directing
W. Somerset Maugham as Writer. He was 100 (91) years old when He died Writing
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. as Writer. Writing
Rex Harrison Presents Stories of Love poster
Rex Harrison Presents Stories of Love (50 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, May 01, 1974
  • Runtime: 120 minutes