Ripped! 10 years old

It's 1967 and British pop sensations Norman's Normans have accidentally blasted off a rocket from the British Space Agency and landed on a planet of all women. When the princess falls for lead singer Norman, the queen imprisons the British invaders. Can they use their catchy rhythms to win over the girls of Hormone and help them make peace with the neighboring planet of men, all the while finding a way back home to Earth?


Ripped! Cast

Name Character
Hallie York as Noxema
Gabriel Vaughan He was 36, now 46 years old as Captain Shelburn
Lindsay Goranson as Voluptua
Elise Rovinsky as Queen Fallopia
Richard Brundage as Dr. Gerbils

Ripped! Crew

Name Department
Ripped! poster
Ripped! (10 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, June 01, 2014
  • Runtime: 90 minutes