Road to Home 79 years old

WWII U.S. Navy training film MN-5075a that addresses the end of the war. Bob Hope and Bing Crosby try to convince sailors not to desert but to wait for their government benefits and honorable discharge.


Road to Home Cast

Name Character
Anthony Quinn He was 30, 86 years old when he died as Archieve footage
Bob Hope He was 42, 100 years old when he died as Himself
Vladimir Sokoloff He was 55, 72 years old when he died as Archieve footage
Virginia Mayo She was 24, 84 years old when she died as Archieve footage
Bing Crosby He was 42, 74 years old when he died as Himself

Road to Home Crew

Name Department
Road to Home poster
Road to Home (79 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, July 04, 1945
  • Runtime: 11 minutes