The Engaged Woman (Rosamunde Pilcher: Die versprochene Braut) 11 years old

A love without limits

Andrew Christie runs the traditional Dolphin hotel in Cornwall, specialized in weddings and honeymoons, but competition from cheap holidays overseas becomes crushing. After his disloyal wife Nell deserts to apply as manager in the Maldives, their main tour operator intends to cancel, which would spell bankruptcy. Andrew comes up with a modern alternative, hosting traditional weddings for Indian couples. to sell the idea, he pretends to be backed by an Indian wife. To fill the part urgently, he enlists part-time maid Rajani Sharma, a, art student, whose father, banker Murali Sharma, wants to go ahead with her arranged marriage to Tarun, from India.


The Engaged Woman Cast

Name Character
Collien Ulmen-Fernandes She was 31, now 42 years old as Rajani Sharma
Javed Khan as Mr. Prakash
Peer Jäger He was 70, now 81 years old as Edward Brooks
Denise Zich She was 37, now 48 years old as Nelly Christie
Jochen Schropp He was 34, now 45 years old as Andrew Christie

The Engaged Woman Crew

Name Department
Michael Smeaton as Producer. Production
Veronika Zaplata as Editor. She was 49 (now 60) years old Editing
Richard Blackford as Compositors. He was 59 (now 70) years old Crew
Richard Blackford as Music. He was 59 (now 70) years old Sound
Beate Balser as Executive Producer. Production
Rosamunde Pilcher as Story. She was 88 (94) years old when She died Writing
Gordon W. Grant as Set Decoration. Art
Dieter Kehler as Director. He was 63 (now 74) years old Directing
Heidi Ulmke as Producer. Production
The Engaged Woman poster
The Engaged Woman (11 years)

A love without limits

  • Release day: Sunday, September 08, 2013
  • Runtime: 89 minutes