Roy Rogers, King of the Cowboys 32 years old

Thys Ockersen enjoyed in his childhood in the Fifties with his friends the Roy Rogers pictures in the local cinema. Many years later he starts his search for the old singing cowboy and his wife Dale Evans. A journey that starts in Amsterdam with a meeting with Roy's granddaughter Mindy who lives there. On his travels he meets co-stars of Roy and Dale and their director William Witney. And then there's the Roy Rogers Museum in Victorville where Thys talks with Roy Rogers and Dale Evans and sees the stuffed Trigger.


Roy Rogers, King of the Cowboys Cast

Name Character
Dale Evans She was 79, 88 years old when she died as Herself
Ruth Terry She was 71, 95 years old when she died as Herself (archive footage)
Roy Rogers He was 80, 86 years old when he died as Himself
William Witney He was 77, 87 years old when he died as Himself (archive footage)
Lash La Rue He was 75, 78 years old when he died as Himself (archive footage)

Roy Rogers, King of the Cowboys Crew

Name Department
Roy Rogers, King of the Cowboys (32 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, October 01, 1992
  • Runtime: 80 minutes