Rufus! Rufus! Rufus! Does Judy! Judy! Judy! 16 years old

Rufus Wainwright Re-Creates Judy Garland's Most Famous Concert

A live recording from Rufus Wainwright's sold-out February 25, 2007 tribute concert at the London Palladium to the legendary American actress and singer Judy Garland. The tribute concert features the same songs from Garland's well-known 1961 album, Judy at Carnegie Hall.


Rufus! Rufus! Rufus! Does Judy! Judy! Judy! Cast

Name Character
Rufus Wainwright He was 34, now 51 years old

Rufus! Rufus! Rufus! Does Judy! Judy! Judy! Crew

Name Department
Russell Thomas as Director. He was 111 (61) years old when He died Directing
Rufus! Rufus! Rufus! Does Judy! Judy! Judy! poster
Rufus! Rufus! Rufus! Does Judy! Judy! Judy! (16 years)

Rufus Wainwright Re-Creates Judy Garland's Most Famous Concert

  • Release day: Monday, December 03, 2007
  • Runtime: 65 minutes