Black Fighter Johanna (Schwarzer Jäger Johanna) 90 years old

Germany under Napoleon. Johanna is travelling by stagecoach when one of its occupants, Major Korfes, is arrested by the French militia. Before capture, he gives Johanna a mysterious letter. To solve the mystery, she joins the German corps as the “Black Hunter”. A fantastic breeches role for the lesbian Marianne Hoppe, who two years later, married her gay film partner Gustav Gründgens to prevent persecution by the Nazis.


Black Fighter Johanna Cast

Name Character
Jakob Tiedtke He was 59, 85 years old when he died as Amtmann Cropp
Paul Hartmann He was 45, 88 years old when he died as Major Korfes
Marianne Hoppe She was 25, 93 years old when she died as Johanna Luerssen
Rudolf Biebrach He was 67, 71 years old when he died as Oberst von Bernewitz
Paul Bildt He was 49, 82 years old when he died as Herzog Friedrich Wilhelm von Braunschweig
Gustaf Gründgens He was 34, 63 years old when he died as Dr. Frost, politischer Agent
Anton Pointner He was 40, 55 years old when he died as Feldmarschall
Oskar Sima He was 38, 72 years old when he died as Hofrat Zöllner
Angelo Ferrari He was 37, 47 years old when he died as Leutnant Péaulier
Genia Nikolaieva She was 30, 97 years old when she died as Mademoiselle Köttschau

Black Fighter Johanna Crew

Name Department
Johannes Meyer as Director. He was 50 (88) years old when He died Directing
Black Fighter Johanna poster
Black Fighter Johanna (90 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, September 05, 1934
  • Runtime: 100 minutes