Scruggs: A Festival of Music 52 years old

Musical documentary records Earl Scruggs, Bill Monroe, Scruggs' son Randy, Doc Watson and his son Merle playing and singing together in informal settings. Also includes performances by Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, The Byrds and others


Scruggs: A Festival of Music Cast

Name Character
Bob Dylan He was 31, now 83 years old
Earl Scruggs He was 48, 88 years old when he died as himself
Joan Baez She was 31, now 83 years old
Bill Monroe He was 60, 84 years old when he died
Doc Watson He was 49, 89 years old when he died

Scruggs: A Festival of Music Crew

Name Department
David Hoffman as Director. He was 31 (20) years old when He died Directing
Scruggs: A Festival of Music (52 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, June 01, 1972
  • Runtime: 90 minutes