Rare Story of the Era of the Warring States: The Whimsical Youth (戦国奇譚 気まぐれ冠者) 89 years old

An adventurer and two accomplices unexpectedly invite themselves to a sword tournament and are offered a job with the lord who organized the competition.


Rare Story of the Era of the Warring States: The Whimsical Youth Cast

Name Character
Chiezō Kataoka He was 32, 80 years old when he died
Kunio Tamura He was 27, 33 years old when he died
Ryosuke Kagawa He was 38, 90 years old when he died
Michisaburo Segawa

Rare Story of the Era of the Warring States: The Whimsical Youth Crew

Name Department
Mansaku Itami as Director. He was 35 (46) years old when He died Directing
Mansaku Itami as Writer. He was 35 (46) years old when He died Writing
Rare Story of the Era of the Warring States: The Whimsical Youth poster
Rare Story of the Era of the Warring States: The Whimsical Youth (89 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, May 30, 1935
  • Runtime: 75 minutes