Sex, Coffee, Cigarettes (Sex, кофе, сигареты) 9 years old

Eleven comedic vignettes featuring conversations – some important, some less so – held in restaurants over coffee and cigarettes (how quickly time flies – cigarettes are banned in Russia’s restaurants now). The conversations are candid, and even veer into the territory of murder. In the final credits, the director apologizes to Jim Jarmusch, whose work (in the anthology Coffee and Cigarettes, which Jarmusch shot in pieces over many years) Oldenburg-Svintsov is clearly indebted to. Sex, Coffee, Cigarettes’s kinship with Jarmusch’s film extends to the fact that superstars play tiny roles in almost all of the vignettes.


Sex, Coffee, Cigarettes Cast

Name Character
Aleksandr Bashirov He was 59, now 68 years old
Konstantin Kryukov He was 29, now 39 years old
Roman Viktyuk He was 78, now 87 years old
Agniya Ditkovskite She was 26, now 36 years old
Anna Starshenbaum She was 25, now 35 years old
Gérard Depardieu He was 65, now 75 years old
Anna Chipovskaya She was 27, now 37 years old
Boris Kamorzin He was 48, now 57 years old
Polina Agureyeva She was 38, now 48 years old
Maksim Drozd He was 46, now 56 years old
Anton Shagin He was 30, now 40 years old
Mikhail Evlanov He was 38, now 48 years old
Aleksandr Peskov He was 49, now 59 years old
Alisa Grebenshchikova She was 36, now 46 years old
Ekaterina Volkova She was 17, now 27 years old as Frivolous Woman (segment 'Father')
Aleksandr Semchev He was 45, now 55 years old
Daniil Spivakovskiy He was 45, now 55 years old
Evdokiya Germanova She was 55, now 64 years old as Flora - Professor (segment Flora and Fauna)
Sergey Migitsko He was 61, now 71 years old
Angelina Mirimskaya She was 32, now 42 years old
Lidiya Fedoseyeva-Shukshina She was 76, now 85 years old

Sex, Coffee, Cigarettes Crew

Name Department
Sergey Oldenburg-Svintsov as Director. Directing
Sex, Coffee, Cigarettes poster
Sex, Coffee, Cigarettes (9 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, November 20, 2014
  • Runtime: 85 minutes