Sex o no sex 50 years old

Sex o no sex

Paco, a frustrated office worker, goes to the office of a psychologist, to whom he tells his most delirious sexual fantasies in the hope that he will apply a curative therapy. Unfortunately, the doctor will end up confessing that he can not help, because he lives with a doll that has become his companion sentimental.


Sex o no sex Cast

Name Character
Carmen Sevilla She was 43, now 93 years old
Antonio Ferrandis He was 53, 79 years old when he died
José Sacristán He was 36, now 86 years old
Ágata Lys She was 20, now 70 years old
José Vivó He was 58, 73 years old when he died
Lola Gaos She was 52, 71 years old when she died

Sex o no sex Crew

Name Department
Sex o no sex poster
Sex o no sex (50 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, September 05, 1974
  • Runtime: 94 minutes