Sex Pistols: Buried Alive 36 years old

Featuring the infamous Bill Grundy interview, snippets of live footage including God Save the Queen, No Fun, and two version of Anarchy in the UK. Also watch for cameos by Siouxie, Malcolm, Vivienne, Jordan from Jubilee, and Shane McGowan who would later form the Pogues.


Sex Pistols: Buried Alive Cast

Name Character
Steve Jones He was 32, now 69 years old as Himself
Glen Matlock He was 31, now 68 years old as Himself
John Lydon He was 32, now 68 years old as Himself
Sid Vicious He was 31, 21 years old when he died as Himself
Paul Cook He was 31, now 68 years old as Himself

Sex Pistols: Buried Alive Crew

Name Department
Sex Pistols: Buried Alive poster
Sex Pistols: Buried Alive (36 years)

  • Release day: Monday, May 16, 1988