Sex Pistols: Live at the Winterland Ballroom, San Francisco 46 years old

Live At The Winterland Ballroom, San Francisco. 1978.01.14.


Sex Pistols: Live at the Winterland Ballroom, San Francisco Cast

Name Character
Steve Jones He was 22, now 69 years old
Glen Matlock He was 21, now 68 years old
John Lydon He was 21, now 68 years old
Sid Vicious He was 20, 21 years old when he died

Sex Pistols: Live at the Winterland Ballroom, San Francisco Crew

Name Department
Sex Pistols: Live at the Winterland Ballroom, San Francisco poster
Sex Pistols: Live at the Winterland Ballroom, San Francisco (46 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, January 14, 1978
  • Runtime: 57 minutes