Sexes faibles! 31 years old

Sexes faibles!

The La Chesnays live in a castle threatened with destruction to accommodate a TGV line. While Gilles, the husband, agrees to receive compensation, his wife, Maud, fights with the other villagers so that the project does not materialize.


Sexes faibles! Cast

Name Character
François Cluzet He was 37, now 68 years old as Sébastien Sebastian
Valérie Lemercier She was 28, now 60 years old as Maud Le Chesnay
Sandrine Kiberlain She was 24, now 56 years old as La serveuse
Michel Aumont He was 55, 82 years old when he died as Mortheau
Isabelle Nanty She was 30, now 62 years old as Douce Mamirolle
André Wilms He was 45, now 77 years old as Gilles Le Chesnay
Marc Berman He was 39, now 71 years old as Blott
Didier Bénureau He was 35, now 67 years old as Gauglion

Sexes faibles! Crew

Name Department
Serge Meynard as Director. He was 37 (now 69) years old Directing
Serge Meynard as Writer. He was 37 (now 69) years old Writing
Alexandre Desplat as Music Editor. He was 31 (now 63) years old Sound
Sexes faibles! poster
Sexes faibles! (31 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, October 14, 1992
  • Runtime: 87 minutes