Sexteens 18 years old

This Spanish-language short was made using stop-motion animation and features very simple sets and characters. However, despite the relatively low budget, the film turns out to be a very effective way to teach kids about the dangers of unprotected sex. The film begins with three teenage girl dolls sitting on a bench. Without using actual words but sort of a Sims-type speech ("Bla, bla, bla"), the first girl describes her perfect man. Then, suddenly, he appears---as does a bed...


Sexteens Cast

Name Character
Silvina Cornillon as Voice
Juan Pablo Zaramella He was 33, now 52 years old as Voice

Sexteens Crew

Name Department
Juan Pablo Zaramella as Director. He was 33 (now 52) years old Directing
Sexteens (18 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, April 01, 2006
  • Runtime: 5 minutes