Sex.Violence.FamilyValues. 11 years old

Three dirrrty stories from the world's cleanest city.

A kindergarten principal finds a series of morbid cartoons drawn by a docile pupil. A porn actor struggles to rise to the occasion while filming his first porno. A middle-aged nightclub bouncer faces off with a rebellious teenage stripper. Director Ken Kwek tells three iconoclastic stories in a short film that pitches political correctness out the window of Singapore mainstream cinema.


Sex.Violence.FamilyValues. Cast

Name Character
Benjamin Heng as Vince

Sex.Violence.FamilyValues. Crew

Name Department
Sex.Violence.FamilyValues. poster
Sex.Violence.FamilyValues. (11 years)

Three dirrrty stories from the world's cleanest city.

  • Release day: Tuesday, June 25, 2013
  • Runtime: 46 minutes