Shooting Porn 27 years old

A new film about the Gay Porn industry

Director Ronnie Larsen interviews some of the most popular people working in porn, focusing closely on two of the industry's top directors: Gino Colbert and Chi Chi LaRue. Larsen follows Colbert and LaRue on video shoots and to porn events and functions (including the AVN Awards). Various performers are given identities as well, including Bryan Kidd, Rip Stone (a gay-for-pay model), Jordan Young, Hunter Scott (who demonstrates the proper way to give yourself an enema), and Blue Blake. While the performers are given voices, writers Mickey Skee and David Widmer are given faces and provide fascinating exposition (including how much the boys are paid), spilling some industry "secrets."


Shooting Porn Cast

Name Character
Chi Chi LaRue He was 37, now 64 years old as Herself
Billy Kemp as Himself
Bryan Kidd He was 21, now 49 years old
David Gregory He was 338, 49 years old when he died as Himself
Hunter Scott He was 12, now 39 years old as Himself

Shooting Porn Crew

Name Department
James Lyons as Editor. He was 36 (47) years old when He died Editing
Ronnie Larsen as Director. Directing
Caryn Horwitz as Producer. Production
Doug Lindeman as Producer. Production
Shooting Porn poster
Shooting Porn (27 years)

A new film about the Gay Porn industry

  • Release day: Friday, July 11, 1997
  • Runtime: 75 minutes