Shooting Star(s): The Rise of Hip Hop Photographer Johnny Nunez 15 years old

Documentary - In this revealing biographical portrait, filmmakers Axel Ebermann and Daniel Frei document the rags-to-riches story of photographer Johnny Nunez, charting his rise from a humble boy in Brooklyn to an in-demand presence on the hip-hop scene. No stranger to high-profile subjects, Nunez made a name for himself photographing wealthy A-list celebrities, but his glamorous lifestyle today belies the poverty and racism he had to overcome in his youth. - Fabulous, Taraji P. Henson, Kim Kardashian


Shooting Star(s): The Rise of Hip Hop Photographer Johnny Nunez Cast

Name Character
Kanye West He was 31, now 47 years old
Russell Simmons He was 51, now 66 years old
Al Sharpton He was 54, now 69 years old
Kimora Lee

Shooting Star(s): The Rise of Hip Hop Photographer Johnny Nunez Crew

Name Department
Shooting Star(s): The Rise of Hip Hop Photographer Johnny Nunez poster
Shooting Star(s): The Rise of Hip Hop Photographer Johnny Nunez (15 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, January 01, 2009