Silver Clef Award Winners Show, Knebworth Park 33 years old

The Silver Clef fundraising committee was founded in 1976 by musicians and managers from across the British music industry, who wanted to honour and award music artists whilst raising funds for Nordoff Robbins. The event went on to become the annual Silver Clef Awards and Lunch, an important date in the social and business calendar of the music industry, with even members of the Royal Family attending as guests of honour. The lunch is also the flagship event in the highly respected and well-known diary of fundraising events put on by Nordoff Robbins. The Silver Clef initiative eventually expanded to the USA, where members of the music community there arranged the first American Silver Clef Award Dinner and Auction in 1989. The funds from that event benefited the Nordoff Robbins Centre for Music Therapy based at New York University. In 1990 a concert was devised to raise money for the Nordorff Robbins music therapy centre, it was held at Knebworth park on the 30th June 1990.


Silver Clef Award Winners Show, Knebworth Park Cast

Name Character
Eric Clapton He was 45, now 79 years old
Elton John He was 43, now 77 years old
Robert Plant He was 42, now 76 years old
Paul McCartney He was 48, now 82 years old
Cliff Richard He was 50, now 83 years old
Pink Floyd was 25, now 59 years old
Dire Straits was 13, now 47 years old

Silver Clef Award Winners Show, Knebworth Park Crew

Name Department
Silver Clef Award Winners Show, Knebworth Park poster
Silver Clef Award Winners Show, Knebworth Park (33 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, November 15, 1990