The film revolves around Nandhan (Suresh Joachim), a Lankan youth who kidnaps Meera Jasmine, a Minister's daughter and a television journalist. The Minister (Suman) is helped by the Director General of Police (Rajeev) and his subordinate (Bose Venkat) to rescue Meera. Things take a turn when they get an interesting demand from Nandhan seeking the release of a Lankan national detained by police. Why and for what the demand is forms the crux.
Sivappu Mazhai Cast
Sivappu Mazhai Crew
Name |
Department |
Deva as Original Music Composer. He was 59 (now 74) years old
Sound |
V. Krishnamurthy as Director. He was 85 (now 100) years old
Directing |
Suresh Joachim as Producer. |
Production |