Sons of Apollo: Live With The Plovdiv Psychotic Symphony (Sons Of Apollo: Live With The Plovdiv Psychotic Symphony) 5 years old

“Fuck the term ‘supergroup’, that’s not what this is about. Sons of Apollo are simply a group that are super.” – Classic Rock

Sons of Apollo: Live With The Plovdiv Psychotic Symphony

Filmed at the spectacular Roman Amphitheatre in Plovdiv, Bulgaria on September 22 2018. The band's performance was divided into two sets, the second of which saw them joined by a full orchestra and choir.


Sons of Apollo: Live With The Plovdiv Psychotic Symphony Cast

Name Character
Mike Portnoy He was 52, now 57 years old
Billy Sheehan He was 66, now 71 years old

Sons of Apollo: Live With The Plovdiv Psychotic Symphony Crew

Name Department
Mike Portnoy as Musician. He was 52 (now 57) years old Sound
Sons of Apollo: Live With The Plovdiv Psychotic Symphony poster
Sons of Apollo: Live With The Plovdiv Psychotic Symphony (5 years)

“Fuck the term ‘supergroup’, that’s not what this is about. Sons of Apollo are simply a group that are super.” – Classic Rock

  • Release day: Friday, August 30, 2019
  • Runtime: 278 minutes
  • Budget: 1000000.00
  • Revenue: 10000000.00