The Term. Beginning of a Big Story (Срок. Начало большой истории) 10 years old

The documentary project The Term was conceived in May 2012. When the directing trio commenced mapping the Russian sociopolitical landscape, Vladimir Putin had just settled into the Kremlin for his third term. The original experimental format of “documentary bulletins,” which were published daily online, allowed for wide-ranging content; in the feature film version, however, the filmmakers focused solely on the members of various opposition groups. Nevertheless, the work’s neutral position remains and viewers have to interpret the objectively presented situations for themselves. The main characteristics of this strongly authentic movie include close contact with the protagonists, precise editing, and an effectively controlled release of information.


The Term. Beginning of a Big Story Cast

Name Character
Vera Brezhneva She was 32, now 42 years old as Herself (archival footage) (uncredited)
Maksim Vitorgan He was 41, now 51 years old as Himself
Yoko Ono She was 81, now 91 years old as Herself (uncredited)
Gérard Depardieu He was 65, now 75 years old as Himself (archival footage) (uncredited)
Kseniya Sobchak She was 32, now 42 years old as Herself
Vladimir Putin He was 61, now 71 years old as Himself (archival footage) (uncredited)
Garry Kasparov He was 51, now 61 years old as Himself (uncredited)

The Term. Beginning of a Big Story Crew

Name Department
Pavel Kostomarov as Director of Photography. He was 38 (now 48) years old Camera
Pavel Kostomarov as Director. He was 38 (now 48) years old Directing
Pavel Kostomarov as Editor. He was 38 (now 48) years old Editing
Pavel Kostomarov as Producer. He was 38 (now 48) years old Production
Dmitriy Kubasov as Director of Photography. He was 29 (now 39) years old Camera
Alexandr Rastorguev as Director of Photography. He was 43 (47) years old when He died Camera
Alexandr Rastorguev as Director. He was 43 (47) years old when He died Directing
Alexandr Rastorguev as Editor. He was 43 (47) years old when He died Editing
Alexandr Rastorguev as Producer. He was 43 (47) years old when He died Production
Elena Khoreva as Director of Photography. She was 61 (now 71) years old Camera
Elena Khoreva as Editor. She was 61 (now 71) years old Editing
Zosya Rodkevich as Director of Photography. She was 23 (now 33) years old Camera
The Term. Beginning of a Big Story poster
The Term. Beginning of a Big Story (10 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, July 09, 2014
  • Runtime: 83 minutes