Strip Club King: The Story of Joe Redner 16 years old

STRIP CLUB KING - Loved..Admired..Hated!!! Charismatic to some and revolting to others. Joe Redner owns one of the most famous nude clubs in America, the Mons Venus. Although Joe has been fighting the city of Tampa since the 1970s, Joe Redner and the Mons Venus came into the national spotlight in 1999 when Tampa's City Council tried to ban lap dancing. The city ordinance passed, but not without an explosive fight that made national headlines with feature stories on ABC's "20/20" and Comedy Central's "The Daily Show". Joe redner has been called many things including pimp, pervert, patriot, philanderer, politician, instigator, intellectual, self- promoter, humanitarian, hypocrite, publicity hound, pig, exploiter, criminal, narcissist, hero and genius. This is the first documentary to explore the life of legendary Strip Club King, Joe Redner, also known as the father of the lap dance... [Written by Shelby McIntyre]


Strip Club King: The Story of Joe Redner Cast

Name Character
Edie Burns as Herself
Teresa Redner as Herself
Joy Redner as Herself
Lorelei Jackson as Herself
Joe Redner He was 68, now 84 years old as Himself

Strip Club King: The Story of Joe Redner Crew

Name Department
Shelby McIntyre as Director. Directing
Shelby McIntyre as Producer. Production
Chris Woods as Editor. He was 48 (now 64) years old Editing
Chris Woods as Producer. He was 48 (now 64) years old Production
Strip Club King: The Story of Joe Redner (16 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, June 01, 2008
  • Runtime: 80 minutes