Such Hawks Such Hounds (Such Hawks Such Hounds: Scenes from the American Hard Rock Underground) 16 years old

Such Hawks Such Hounds explores the music and musicians of the American hard rock underground circa 1970-2007, focusing on the psychedelic and '70s proto-metal-derived styles that have in recent years formed a rich body of unclassifiable sounds.


Such Hawks Such Hounds Cast

Name Character
Joe Preston He was 39, now 55 years old as Himself
Scott "Wino" Weinrich He was 47, now 63 years old as Himself
Mark Arm He was 45, now 62 years old as Himself
Brant Bjork He was 34, now 51 years old as Himself
Matt Pike He was 35, now 52 years old as Himself

Such Hawks Such Hounds Crew

Name Department
David McFarland as Cinematography. He was 69 (now 85) years old Crew
John Srebalus as Writer. Writing
John Srebalus as Director. Directing
John Srebalus as Producer. Production
Jessica Hundley as Director. Directing
Such Hawks Such Hounds poster
Such Hawks Such Hounds (16 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, January 01, 2008
  • Runtime: 84 minutes
  • Budget: 75000.00