Sufferfest 1: Climbing California's 14ers by Bike 10 years old

Follow Alex Honnold and Cedar Wright on an ambitious human powered adventure to summit all of California's 14,000 foot peaks via technical climbing routes, with no ropes! New to the sport of biking, and having underestimated the scope of the challenge, Alex and Cedar soon spiral down a rabbit hole of sunburn, suffering, and a seemingly endless test of their mental and physical endurance.


Sufferfest 1: Climbing California's 14ers by Bike Cast

Name Character
Alex Honnold He was 28, now 39 years old as self

Sufferfest 1: Climbing California's 14ers by Bike Crew

Name Department
Sufferfest 1: Climbing California's 14ers by Bike poster
Sufferfest 1: Climbing California's 14ers by Bike (10 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, March 29, 2014
  • Runtime: 18 minutes