Theatre Affair (Театральное дело) 6 years old

In the spring of 2017, the Investigation Committee conducted the first searches in the criminal case, which everyone now knows as the “Serebrennikov case”, “the Seventh Studio case” or “The Platform case”. Six people, among whom is a world-famous director, are accused of having stolen more than one hundred million rubles allocated for staging performances from the state. And for this they can go to jail for 10 years. Journalists Katerina Gordeeva and Roman Super tried to figure out the essence of this matter. We talked to people who know what theater is, including in terms of money. Studied financial documents. Communicated with those with whom no one had ever succeeded. They understood why the applause of the audience and the compliments of the Ministry of Culture turned into arrests. And of course, went to all court sessions.


Theatre Affair Cast

Name Character
Evgeny Mironov He was 51, now 57 years old as himself
Alla Demidova She was 81, now 87 years old as herself
Vladimir Mashkov He was 54, now 60 years old as himself
Kirill Serebrennikov He was 48, now 55 years old as himself

Theatre Affair Crew

Name Department
Theatre Affair (6 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, August 29, 2018
  • Runtime: 69 minutes