Teen Spirit: Teenagers and Hollywood (Teen spirit: Les ados à Hollywood) 14 years old

Teen movies have had a great impact on the movie industry - especially in the 80s. This documentary takes a closer look at the genre's origins and the impact it has made up till today.


Teen Spirit: Teenagers and Hollywood Cast

Name Character
Seth Rogen He was 27, now 42 years old as Himself
Paul Feig He was 47, now 61 years old as Himself
Thibault de Montalembert He was 47, now 62 years old as Narrator
Diablo Cody She was 31, now 46 years old as Herself
Judd Nelson He was 49, now 64 years old as Himself
John Landis He was 59, now 73 years old as Himself
Willard Huyck He was 64, now 78 years old as Himself
Larry Clark He was 66, now 81 years old as Himself
Jon Avnet He was 59, now 74 years old as Himself
Mark L. Lester He was 62, now 77 years old as Himself
John Truby He was 57, now 72 years old as Himself
Paul Brickman He was 60, now 75 years old as Himself
Joel Gallen He was 109, now 124 years old as Himself
Dany Wolf as Himself

Teen Spirit: Teenagers and Hollywood Crew

Name Department
Teen Spirit: Teenagers and Hollywood poster
Teen Spirit: Teenagers and Hollywood (14 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, September 30, 2009
  • Runtime: 52 minutes