Tell Your Friends! The Concert Film! 13 years old

Alternative is the mainstream.

Liam McEneaney, creator of Tell Your Friends! hosts the film version of his weekly comedy show, as well as interviews the film’s headliners; giving us a personal look of their transitions from bar basements to mainstream entertainment. Includes comedians Christian Finnegan, Leo Allen, Kurt Braunohler and Kristen Schaal, Rob Paravonian, and Reggie Watts emerge from the dark and dirty rock clubs of Lower Manhattan to perform in this insider event. The film also includes music from A Brief View of the Hudson, TFY’s resident house band. The film offers a backstage pass to the show, including 'behind the scenes' footage and interviews navigating the unfamiliar routes these artists took to become breakout successes.


Tell Your Friends! The Concert Film! Cast

Name Character
Kristen Schaal She was 32, now 46 years old as Herself
Reggie Watts He was 38, now 52 years old as Himself
Christian Finnegan He was 37, now 51 years old as Himself
Kurt Braunohler He was 34, now 48 years old as Himself

Tell Your Friends! The Concert Film! Crew

Name Department
Victor Varnado as Director. He was 41 (now 55) years old Directing
Tell Your Friends! The Concert Film! (13 years)

Alternative is the mainstream.

  • Release day: Saturday, January 01, 2011
  • Runtime: 82 minutes