The Angel Doll 21 years old

The story of two small town boys from different sides of the tracks: 1950's childhood and self-redemption. Young "Whitey" Black (so called because of a tuft of blanched hair on the left side of his head) lives in poverty with his single mother and ailing, four-year old sister, Sandy. Just across town, young Jerry Barlow lives the advantages of a middle class lifestyle with both parents and his younger brother. When mischief casts Whitey and Jerry into a shared paper route, Jerry quickly learns of Whitey's desire to buy his sister an angel doll for Christmas. Even though no such dolls exist in their hometown, Whitey, Jerry and a host of colorful characters set out in search of Sandy's gift. Along the way, reversals of fortune, theft, prejudice and, ultimately, the boy's friendship opens their eyes to the vastness of the small town around them.


The Angel Doll Cast

Name Character
Nick Searcy He was 43, now 65 years old as Col. Brandeis
Diana Scarwid She was 47, now 68 years old as Fronia Black
Pat Hingle He was 78, 84 years old when he died as Noah Roudabush
Michael Welch He was 15, now 36 years old as Little Jerry Barlow
Keith Carradine He was 53, now 74 years old as Adult Jerry Barlow
Cody Newton as Whitey Black
Robin Mullins She was 44, now 66 years old as Mrs. Barnes
Joanne Pankow She was 65, 72 years old when she died as Nurse
Betsy Brantley She was 46, now 68 years old as Mary Barlow
Christian Durango He was 12, now 34 years old as Randy Clark
Deborah Hobart as Rose Clark
Bubba Lewis He was 13, now 35 years old as Billy Barnes
Don Henderson Baker as Somber Man
Nina Repeta She was 35, now 56 years old as Clerk
Cordereau Dye He was 15, now 37 years old as Let Cumberland
Gil Johnson as Jack Barlow

The Angel Doll Crew

Name Department
Peggy Farrell as Costume Design. She was 81 (82) years old when She died Costume & Make-Up
Chris Anderson as Music. He was 41 (now 63) years old Sound
The Angel Doll poster
The Angel Doll (21 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, September 14, 2002
  • Runtime: 93 minutes