The Catherine Wheel: Twyla Tharp Dance Foundation 42 years old

Seamlessly blending elements of movement and music, Twyla Tharp choreographs a rock 'n' roll dance spectacular, set to a score by former Talking Heads front man David Byrne. Adapted for television by Tharp from the original Broadway production, this memorable performance showcases the talents of dancers Sara Rudner, Jennifer Way, Tom Rawe, Katie Glasner, Raymond Kurshals, Shelly Washington, Christine Uchida and John Carrafa.


The Catherine Wheel: Twyla Tharp Dance Foundation Cast

Name Character
Keith Young as Chorus

The Catherine Wheel: Twyla Tharp Dance Foundation Crew

Name Department
Santo Loquasto as Production Design. He was 37 (now 80) years old Art
David Byrne as Music. He was 29 (now 72) years old Sound
Speed Hopkins as Art Direction. He was 33 (44) years old when He died Art
The Catherine Wheel: Twyla Tharp Dance Foundation (42 years)

  • Release day: Friday, January 01, 1982
  • Runtime: 75 minutes