The Croatian Crimes: The Death of a Legend (Der Kroatien Krimi: Tod einer Legende) 7 years old

In a posh cottage, the police find the body of Goran Trevic, son of football legend Dragan Trevic. The influential sports official is suspected in the investigation of Branka Maric, because the murder weapon comes from his vault and there are indications of conflicts in the family. Dragan is heavily burdened by the journalist Stipe Rif, who researched for years in the environment of Trevics. It does not come to a hearing, however, because the police finds Dragan Trevic shot dead in his car. This time, everything points to suicide. For police chief Bilic the case is complete.


The Croatian Crimes: The Death of a Legend Cast

Name Character
Nadeshda Brennicke She was 43, now 51 years old as Jasna Trevic
Aleksandar Jovanović He was 23, now 31 years old as Lado Trifunovic
Juraj Kukura He was 69, now 77 years old as Bilic
Stipe Erceg He was 41, now 49 years old as Stipe Rif
Goran Navojec He was 45, now 53 years old as Marin Marić
Miroslav Nemec He was 62, now 70 years old as Dragan Trević
Andreas Guenther He was 43, now 50 years old as Pilot Kai
Adriana Altaras She was 56, now 64 years old as Dada Maric
Janko Rakoš He was 42, now 50 years old as Goran Trevic

The Croatian Crimes: The Death of a Legend Crew

Name Department
Michael Kreindl as Director. He was 51 (now 59) years old Directing
The Croatian Crimes: The Death of a Legend poster
The Croatian Crimes: The Death of a Legend (7 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, September 22, 2016