Kindaichi Case Files Movie 1: The Opera House Murders (金田一少年の事件簿・オペラ座館・新たなる殺人) 27 years old

Invited for a anniversary celebration, Kindaichi, Miyuki and inspector Kenmochi re-visit the Opera House. There they discover that a play of The Phantom of the Opera is being rehearsed again. However, it doesn't take long when members of the acting troupe are killed by the Phantom. Kindaichi will once again have to solve a murder series in the Opera House.


Kindaichi Case Files Movie 1: The Opera House Murders Cast

Name Character
Kappei Yamaguchi He was 31, now 59 years old as Hajime Kindaichi (Voice)
Isao Natsuyagi He was 56, 73 years old when he died as Isamu Kenmochi (voice)
Akiko Nakagawa She was 23, now 50 years old as Miyuki Nanase (Voice)

Kindaichi Case Files Movie 1: The Opera House Murders Crew

Name Department
Daisuke Nishio as Director. He was 37 (now 65) years old Directing
Michihiko Suwa as Producer. He was 39 (now 67) years old Production
Kaoru Wada as Original Music Composer. He was 34 (now 62) years old Sound
Takuya Nishioka as Screenplay. He was 40 (now 68) years old Writing
Junichi Taniguchi as Art Direction. Art
Shingo Araki as Character Designer. He was 57 (72) years old when He died Visual Effects
Shingo Araki as Animation Director. He was 57 (72) years old when He died Visual Effects
Kindaichi Case Files Movie 1: The Opera House Murders poster
Kindaichi Case Files Movie 1: The Opera House Murders (27 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, December 14, 1996
  • Runtime: 94 minutes