The Good Old Piano (Dobri stari pianino) 65 years old

Composer and pianist Blaz Gaber lives only for his music and does not want to know anything about the outside world, where the war is raging. Upon his arrival from his poorly attended concert, he finds himself in prison for having stars drawn in his notebook by a little boy. A young illegal activist seeks refugee in the school, where the pupils hide his pistol inside the Gaber's piano. A German officer comes with his soldiers to find the hidden illegal, orders the school to be evacuated and takes the piano together with him on a train.


The Good Old Piano Cast

Name Character
Bert Sotlar He was 38, 71 years old when he died as Partizanski komandant
Janez Škof He was 35, 84 years old when he died as Blisk
Demeter Bitenc He was 36, 95 years old when he died as Nemški oficir
Jože Prištov
Janez Albreht He was 34, 87 years old when he died

The Good Old Piano Crew

Name Department
The Good Old Piano poster
The Good Old Piano (65 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, June 13, 1959
  • Runtime: 93 minutes