The Grind 14 years old

Mobsters, hot girls, grifters and action... All in one movie.

Luke, is a grifter who owes a significant debt to the Mexican mob. Set in the gritty underbelly of Gardena, CA Luke has to come up with one final scheme to pay back his debt or his life is at risk. Supported by his two only friends, Courtney and Josh, they come together to devise a plan that with a little blind luck just might get Luke out of the hole.


The Grind Cast

Name Character
Danny Trejo He was 65, now 80 years old as Nicholi Guzman
Tanya Allen She was 34, now 49 years old as Courtney
Michael Welch He was 22, now 36 years old as Josh
C. Thomas Howell He was 42, now 57 years old as Luke
Sarah Scott She was 25, 187 years old when she died as Alex
Eve Mauro She was 27, now 42 years old as Sophia
Lauren Walsh She was 9, now 24 years old as Brooke

The Grind Crew

Name Department
John Millea as Director. Directing
John Millea as Writer. Writing
The Grind poster
The Grind (14 years)

Mobsters, hot girls, grifters and action... All in one movie.

  • Release day: Tuesday, September 22, 2009
  • Runtime: 88 minutes
  • Budget: 1200000.00