The Human League: Live at the Dome 19 years old

The Human League Live at the Dome is a DVD by the veteran British Synthpop group The Human League, containing a recording of a complete concert. It was commissioned by the band themselves due to the success of the Virgin Records commissioned The Very Best of the Human League (DVD) the previous year; and the high uptake for their live concerts. The DVD records the entire concert played at the Brighton Dome on 19 December 2003, which was the closing night of the band's Very Best of Tour 2003. Concert set list Intro "Hard Times" "Love Action (I Believe in Love)" "Mirror Man" "Louise" "The Snake" "Heart like a Wheel" "Darkness" "All I Ever Wanted" "Open Your Heart" "The Lebanon" "One Man in My Heart" "Human" "Things That Dreams Are Made Of" "Love Me Madly?" "(Keep Feeling) Fascination" "Tell Me When" "Don't You Want Me" "Empire State Human" "Together In Electric Dreams" "The Sound of the Crowd"


The Human League: Live at the Dome Cast

Name Character
Phil Oakey He was 49, now 68 years old as Himself
Susan Ann Sulley She was 41, now 61 years old as Herself
Joanne Catherall She was 42, now 62 years old as Herself

The Human League: Live at the Dome Crew

Name Department
The Human League: Live at the Dome (19 years)

  • Release day: Monday, November 01, 2004
  • Runtime: 174 minutes