The Last Days of Pompeii (Gli ultimi giorni di Pompeii) 116 years old

Pompeii 79AD, mere days before the Vesuvian eruption. Glaucus and Jone are in love with each other. Arbaces, the Egyptian High Priest, is determined to conquer Jone. Glaucus purchases Nydia, the blind and long-suffering slave. Nydia falls in love with Glaucus and asks Arbaces for his help. He gives her a potion to make Glaucus fall in love with her-- In fact, a poison which will cause violent insanity. Produced by Turin-based Ambrosio Films.


The Last Days of Pompeii Cast

Name Character
Luigi Maggi He was 40, 78 years old when he died
Umberto Mozzato He was 28, 68 years old when he died

The Last Days of Pompeii Crew

Name Department
Luigi Maggi as Director. He was 40 (78) years old when He died Directing
The Last Days of Pompeii poster
The Last Days of Pompeii (116 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, January 02, 1908
  • Runtime: 19 minutes